Body Mass Index

Learn more about your body.

Your BMI


Possible Health Risks


Quick Tips


The basis of a healthy diet is natural, as little industrially processed food as possible. Check labels and avoid products with a higher fat content, added sugar and food additives. Eat slowly, you will know better when you are full.

Drinking regime

Total fluid intake should be between 2 and 3 liters per day. The water contained in the food is also counted in it. Orient the drinking regime according to the color of the urine - it should be light yellow. Dark urine indicates insufficient fluid intake.

Try Crossfit

CrossFit is promoted as both a physical exercise philosophy and a competitive fitness sport, incorporating elements from high-intensity interval training.


Regular exercise increases energy expenditure and muscle growth. Muscles burn more fat even a few hours after exercise. Choose a movement that suits your age, health and will be fun. Remember that the healthiest and most natural movement is walking.


Bacteria in the gut affect the amount of nutrients that the body processes. Support healthy bacteria and include enough fiber (legumes, vegetables and fruits) and fermented foods (yogurt, kefir milk, kombucha, etc.) in your diet.


Sleep 7-9 hours in a darkened room. Do not drink caffeine, alcohol or watch TV, computer or phone display before going to bed. When you don't sleep, you save more fat. Due to the imbalance of hormones, you may be more hungry and less satiated after eating.

*BMI alone is not enough to determine overweight.

This is only an indicative statistical value that assesses the mass with respect to height. In some cases, therefore, BMI is not authoritative. For example, it makes no difference between fat and muscle content in the body.

Therefore, individuals with well-built muscle may have a BMI over 25 and yet they are not overweight. On the contrary, people with so-called hidden overweight are relatively small amount of muscle mass at the expense of fat. Their BMI can still range in normal range.

In addition to active athletes, BMi does not give accurate results for pregnant and lactating women. The same for children. In children and adolescents, we evaluate BMI based on percentile graphs.